
2022-09-27 20:33

简介在线讲法直播通知法讯:每逢星期日北京时间上午10点30分至中午12点,(加洲时间为星期六晚上 7:30点至9:00点), 于美国柏克莱道场(法界佛教总会分支道场)讲解《大方广佛华严经》十地品的第八地。 古云:“不读华严经,不知佛法之富贵”,华严经是佛经中的“经王之王”,人..


法讯:每逢星期日北京时间上午10点30分至中午12点,(加洲时间为星期六晚上 7:30点至9:00点), 于美国柏克莱道场(法界佛教总会分支道场)讲解《大方广佛华严经》十地品的第八地。 古云:“不读华严经,不知佛法之富贵”,华严经是佛经中的“经王之王”,人人都应该把握机会研读这部法界之经,方不虚此生。 英文听众:讲法现场通过Youtube实况直播,海外观众可通过智能手机、电脑和平板电脑直接登录 中文听众:为方便国内佛友听法,现场讲法将通过YY网络平台实况转播,并配有中文同声翻译。观众可通过智能手机、电脑和平板电脑下载YY软件,登录YY房间号:27215620。 为增进互动, 请大家将登录昵称统用 “真姓名+地区”的格式。 欢迎大家届时听法及流通法讯。Announcement: Live Sutra Lecture from Berkeley Buddhist Monastery, (a branch of Dharma Realm Buddhist Association).   This is a weekly lecture explaining the Eighth Ground of the Ten Grounds of the Avatamsaka Sutra from 7:30 pm to 9:00 pm on Saturday nights (California time, USA), that is 10:30 am to 12 noon on every Sunday morning (Beijing, China time).We hope that you can participate in the lectures either online or in person.  As said that, "Until one encounters/reads the Avatamsaka Sutra, one would not know the richness and splendor of the Buddhadharma"! The Avatamsaka Sutra (the Flower Adornment/Garland Sutra) is known as the "King of Kings" of all Buddhist texts. It elucidates the inconceivable state of the Buddhas and the conduct of Bodhisattvas. It is our sincere wish that everyone will take this opportunity to connect with this “Sutra of the Dharma Realm”, and by so doing, one would not live in vain.For English speakers: Please go online Chinese speakers: The Chinese translation will be broadcasting through a separate channel - YY platform (ID 27215620). You can download YY software, search 27215620 to find the lecture room, and watch from your computer, tablet or smartphone.Please use “Your real name+Location” instead of your nickname. We hope to see you in our lecture.For your reference: World times for the event: 华严经讲法开始时间:Sundays, 02:30 am UTC (GMT)                           - 世界协调时间 – 逢星期日凌晨2: 30 amCalifornia, USA: Saturdays, 7:30 pm (PDT, UTC-7)- 美国加州逢星期六晚 7:30 pm London, UK:   Sundays, 3:30 am (BST, UTC+1) - 英国伦敦逢星期日凌晨3: 30 amParis, France: Sundays, 4:30 am (CEST, UTC+2)- 法国巴黎逢星期日凌晨4: 30 amSydney/Melbourne/Brisbane : Sundays, 12:30pm  (AEST, UTC+10) - 澳洲东部逢星期日中午12: 30 pmBeijing/Hong Kong/Kuala Lumpur: Sundays, 10:30 am (CST, UTC+8)- 北京/香港/吉隆坡时间逢星期日上午10: 30 amIf you have any questions, please contact us through WeChat (ID: cliffw2006) 本帖最后由 DRBA万佛圣城 于 2018-7-7 19:26 编辑

更新于:2022-09-27 20:33
